We know you've got questions, so this is the place to get those answered. If there's anything here that needs clarity, please feel free to give our office a call!
All You Need to Know
All of the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic can lead to increased anxiety and stress. Many of us are spending time worrying about the things that are out of our control. While feeling anxious and stressed is a natural reaction to uncertain times, it can start to take a toll on your sleep:
We all know getting enough sleep is important, but it is even more important now. Getting enough sleep:
While getting enough sleep is important, try not to worry about it! Worrying about sleep just creates more stress making it even harder to sleep. Instead, just do your best to get to bed on time and follow these tips to help you get a better night’s sleep:
While it there are so many things that are out of our control, it’s important you do your best to focus on what you can’t control, like taking care of yourself! If you are having trouble when it comes to sleep, Dr. Mushlin at Advocare Pulmonary and Sleep Specialists can help.
At Advocare Pulmonary and Sleep Specialists, nothing is more important to us than the health and well being of our patients, staff and the communities we serve.
While abiding by the shelter in place recommendations is important, so is your health. We’re here to remind you that you should never wait when it comes to your health!
If you are having sleep or pulmonary concerns please know that we are still here to help. We are currently conducting telemedicine consultations with patients which allows us to have detailed conversations about your care - just like at an in person visit, but while still practicing social distancing.
This face-to-face interaction many times allows us to observe, run through diagnostics and even recommend at home treatments. We are also still able to call in prescriptions if necessary.
How Does It Work?
You don’t need anything special to take part in a telemedicine appointment, just a device that can make video calls (like a smartphone, tablet or laptop) and an internet connection.
Scheduling An Appointment
You can schedule a telemedicine appointment just as you would a regular in office appointment by calling the office.
At Advocare Pulmonary and Sleep Specialists being there for our patients during this unprecedented time is our top priority. We’re doing our part to keep you and your family safe, while working hard to make sure that high-quality care options are available for everyone.
If you have any questions about telemedicine, or would like to set up an appointment please contact our office today!
Exton: (610) 359-5858
Lansdale: (215) 832-0111
West Chester: (484) 999-2100
King of Prussia: (484) 690-4200
Details surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak continue to unfold so it’s only normal to feel increasingly stressed. Information seems to be changing all the time and that can be overwhelming, confusing and at times unsettling.
As if that wasn’t enough, the world as we know it has changed. We have been forced to limit interactions with others, and for many working from home and helping the kids with online schooling has become the norm. Adjusting to new situations can cause stress an anxiety levels to rise, which has both mental and physical impacts.
What Can You Do?
Take Action Over The Things You Can Control: With so much uncertainty it’s easy to focus on all of the things you can’t control, rather than what you can control. Instead of worrying about the uncontrollable, try to refocus and take action of the things that are in your control. For example if you are worried about your health, you can take action by washing your hands regularly, cleaning your home and avoiding crowds.
Get Enough Sleep: While worrying about the Coronavirus may be keeping you up at night, stress can become amplified when you don’t get enough sleep. During times like this it’s important to make sure you are getting the recommended amount of sleep each night. Are you struggling to fall asleep? Try creating a relaxing bedtime routine. Take a warm shower or bath, or enjoy a cup of herbal tea. Avoid stimulants like alcohol, caffeine and nicotine before bed.
Continue To Exercise: Even though the gym is closed it’s still possible to keep active. Take a walk around the neighborhood, spend sometime in the yard with the kids and pets, or try some yoga to help calm your mind and body. Staying active can help you feel better and help maintain a positive outlook.
Take A Break From The News: It’s on television, on the radio and woven throughout your social media feed and while it’s important to stay informed the constant influx of coronavirus information can at times become overwhelming. It’s important that you find a balance that works for you. Feeling overwhelmed and stressed? Try disconnecting for a bit and do something that is completely unrelated to coronavirus, like reading a book, playing boardgames or even reorganizing the garage.
Maintain A Healthy Diet: Being home 24/7 can have an impact on our eating habits and metabolism. Many people tend to snack more when they feel stressed. If you are a stress snacker try keeping healthy snacks on hand that will help you maintain your energy levels and prevent mood swings.
Continue To Connect With Others: While getting together to watch the game, or for happy hour might not be possible right now, it doesn’t mean we can’t still spend time with friends and family. Connecting with others is so important when it comes to managing mental health and stress, especially during times like this. Isolation can lead to feelings of depression and increased anxiety. Be sure to continue check in with family and friends through phone, text or FaceTime. It’s amazing how much a chat with a good friend can lift your mood.
If you find yourself feeling overly stressed, depressed or tired, Advocare Pulmonary and Sleep Specialists can help. Helping our patients during this unprecedented time is our top priority. Along with helping you sleep better, we have partnered with others to provide resources to assist patients with stress and depression. If you are in need of help, please do not hesitate to contact our office!
Certain weather conditions can make it harder to breathe, especially for those with chronic lung conditions. In summer when heat and humidity begin to rise, many patients suffering with lung conditions feel as if they cannot catch their breath. It is important for those suffering to learn to adapt their lifestyle when weather conditions can trigger asthma, allergies or COPD.
If you are affected by a lung condition such as COPD or asthma your body is already using much of its energy to breath. When high heat and humidity are present it makes breathing more difficult. Extreme summer conditions can cause your body to take its focus off of breathing and onto keeping you cool. Air quality often declines during periods of hot and humid weather meaning pollutants are more likely to be breathed in and irritate your lungs.
Tips For Breathing Easier
If you are suffering with a lung condition or are having trouble breathing this summer contact Advocare Pulmonary and Sleep Specialists today. We have two convenient office locations in Exton and Lansdale. Schedule an appointment and start breathing easier today!
Diabetes & Types
Diabetes is a group of diseases that effect the body’s ability to produce or to respond to insulin. Insulin is the hormone responsible for allowing your body to utilize the glucose it receives from food. The inability to produce or respond to insulin results in elevated glucose levels in the blood.
The most common forms of diabetes are Type I and Type II. Type I diabetes is a condition which causes the pancreas to produce little to no insulin. Type II diabetes affects how the body responds to insulin and is often caused by poor diet or lack of exercise. Type I diabetes is often caused by genetics alone, while Type II diabetes is caused by a mixture of genetic and environmental factors.
Diabetes can affect all systems of the body and can cause some long-term complications including heard and blood vessel damage, nerve damage, kidney damage, eye damage, skin conditions and hearing impairments.
Diabetes & Your Lungs
Recent studies have shown that adults with Type I or Type II are more likely to have asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pulmonary fibrosis. Those suffering with diabetes are also more likely to be hospitalized for pneumonia. While the exact reasoning is not clear, some scientists suggest that the cause of decreased lung capacity and function is inflammation. Others feel lung function decreases as blood glucose levels increase due to diabetes.
How Are My Lung Functioning?
A pulmonologist can determine and monitor your lung function through Pulmonary Function Testing. Pulmonary Function Tests help identify:
Pulmonary Function Tests may not show exactly what is causing pulmonary problems, but they will show how well your lungs function. In order to find the underlying causes, a pulmonologist may order a chest X-ray or CT scan.
If you have diabetes and are experiencing symptoms associated with pulmonary disorders, our experts at Advocare Pulmonary and Sleep can give you a Pulmonary Function Test. Dr. Muslin will diagnose and treat any pulmonary disorders that may be related to your diabetes. Schedule your appointment today.
Each day your lungs absorb oxygen from the air you breathe and transport it into your blood stream. Your lungs also transport carbon dioxide from your blood and release it back into the atmosphere. Keeping your lungs healthy plays an important role in keeping your body in good health.
Some ways you can improve your lung function:
Regular health care is key to maintaining healthy and happy lungs. The team at Advocare Pulmonary and Sleep Specialists are here to ensure your lungs are healthy and stay healthy. Dr. Mushlin is equipped to diagnose and treat a variety of pulmonary conditions including asthma, bronchitis, respiratory failure, lung cancer, lung infections, COPD and sleep disorders. Schedule your appointment today.
Patients with sleep apnea often snore throughout the night more so than the average person. Unfortunately annoyed family members are the least of their problems!
Sleep apnea is a very serious disorder that interrupts how you breathe during sleep. When you stop breathing your brain and body do not receive enough oxygen. The most common type of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea, which occurs when the soft tissue of the throat collapses while breathing at night.
Symptoms of sleep apnea should not be ignored and can include sore throat, loud snoring, lack of energy, headaches, mood changes, and insomnia. If left untreated patients can encounter some serious health risks including:
High Blood Pressure
Sleep apnea causes high blood pressure due to hormonal changes in the body. Lack of oxygen at night contributes to increased levels of hormones, which can result in increased blood pressure.
Heart Disease
Obstructive sleep apnea impacts your heart’s functionality. The lack of oxygen causes increased stress on the heart, which can lead to a stroke or heart attack if left untreated for a period of time.
Diabetes & Weight Gain
When the body doesn’t get enough sleep, it is unable to process insulin properly which is why obstructive sleep apnea is often linked to Type 2 Diabetes. Incorrect insulin processing can lead to weight gain. Excess weight can result in fatty deposits forming in an patient’s neck which can make it harder to breathe, especially when laying down at night resulting in sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea causes the body to release the hormone ghrlein, which causes you to crave sweets and sugar. Consuming mostly sweets and sugar does not allow your body to fuel itself properly and can also lead to weight gain.
Acid Reflux and GERD
Acid reflux is common in patients with Sleep apnea. When these patients are sleeping their throats open in close in a way that is not ideal. As air flows in and out it can cause Gastroesophageal reflux Disease (GERD) when the pressure sucks the contents of the stomach back into the esophagus causing heartburn.
Headaches & Mood Disorders
If left untreated lack of sleep can cause headache and moods swings. You may find yourself becoming angry or upset over nothing. Getting a good night’s sleep is integral to emotional stability, and interrupted sleep due to sleep apnea will begin to impact how you function.
If you or someone you love is feeling the impact of untreated sleep apnea, contact Advocare Pulmonary and Sleep Specialists today. Let Dr. Mushlin diagnose your condition and put a treatment plan in place to get you back on the path to better health and a good night’s sleep. Learn more by contact
You may know the feeling, your alarm goes off and it’s a struggle to get out of bed and begin your day. You may find yourself yawning, feeling groggy, and focusing on the tasks of your day may feel like a challenge. All you want to do is crawl back into bed, but you can’t, so what can you do to reduce this tired feeling.
Get More Sleep
If you wake up feeling tired, it may be because you actually are tired. What you think is enough sleep, may just not be enough. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society recommends that adults between the ages of 18-60 get at least 7 hours of sleep per night to maintain optimal health. How does your sleep total compare? If you are averaging less than 7 hours a night, your body may be trying to tell you that you need to make getting more sleep a priority. Try adjusting your schedule to establish an evening routine that allows you to get 7 or more hours of sleep a night.
Get Quality Sleep
While you may be heading to bed around the same time each evening, and allowing for a minimum of 7 hours of sleep each night, the sleep you are getting may not be of the best quality. Each night your body goes through four different stages of sleep. The third stage is called slow-wave sleep and this is the deep sleep you need in order to wake up feeling refreshed in the morning. There are many things that can disrupt your sleep and prevent you from entering the third stage. Disruptions such as loud noises, bright lights, a snoring spouse, a room that is too hot, an uncomfortable mattress or pillow or even a nightmares can all rob you of the deep sleep you need. Adjusting your sleep conditions to promote quality sleep can help you achieve more stage 3 sleep allowing you to wake feeling rested and refreshed.
Become More Active
When you are feeling tired exercise is probably not the first thing that comes to mind, but studies have shown that there is a correlation between exercise and sleep. Individuals who exercise regularly and remain active are proven to have better sleep than those who are less active. Consider adding a morning run or an early yoga class to your routine. Overtime, regular exercise can lead to a better night’s rest.
Adjust Your Eating Habits
Eating a healthy balanced diet has many benefits when it comes to your health so make sure you are not skipping meals and that you are drinking plenty of water. Beyond getting the vitamins and nutrients your body needs to function properly, when you eat and drink can also have an impact your sleep. For example, caffeine stays in your system long after you consume it, so the coffee you drink to get through that mid afternoon slump may be the reason you are having trouble falling asleep. It takes about 3-4 hours for your stomach to empty after a meal so be sure that you leave at least that amount of time between dinner and bedtime to reduce the chances that heartburn or acid reflux will disrupt your sleep.
Stop Hitting Snooze
You may feel like you are doing yourself a favor by hitting snooze and getting those extra few minutes, but the snooze button is not your friend! When you wake up your brain shuts off your sleep hormone (melatonin) and boosts Cortisol production to help get you up and going. When you hit snooze continually, your body gets confused as to which mode you should be in which can lead to you falling into a half-asleep, half-awake state. To break this habit, try moving your alarm clock across the room so that you have to get out of bed to turn it off. Once you’re up, stay up!
If you try these tips, but still wake up feeling tired your morning grogginess could be a result of a more serious sleep disorder like sleep apnea, narcolepsy, or insomnia. Dr. Mushlin and Advocare Pulmonary and Sleep Specialists can help. Schedule an appointment at our Exton Office (610) 359-5858 or Lansdale office (215) 832-0111 today and get on the path to getting a better night sleep!
Bronchiectasis is caused when damage occurs to the airways that carry oxygen in and out of the lungs. This damage causes mucus that would normally move through the airways to become trapped in the airways where it accumulates. This leads to bacteria growth, lung infections and causes trouble breathing. When left untreated, Bronchiectasis can lead to other health problems such as respiratory failure, lung collapse or heart failure.
Symptoms of Bronchiectasis
One of the most telling symptoms of Bronchiectasis is an individual that has repeated lung infections throughout their life. The damage caused by lung infections is not always evident until years after the fact so patients may not experience any symptoms in the early stages. When symptoms are present, the most common include:
Causes of Bronchiectasis
Brochiectasis can be congenital or acquired. Congenital Bronchiectasis affects infants and children and is related to how the lungs formed as a fetus. Acquired Bronchiectasis is much more common and is caused by a medical condition or by a lung infection that has caused damage to the airway walls.
Conditions that can lead to Bronchiectasis include:
Diagnosis and Treatment of Bronchiectasis
Bronchiectasis can be diagnosed in a number of ways including blood tests to check for conditions related to Bronchiectasis, a Chest scan or X-ray to view the lungs structure, or a collection of mucus to check for the growth of bacteria or other microbes.
If it is determined that you have Bronchiectasis there are numerous treatment options available. Treating Bronchiectasis with antibiotics is common because bacteria are often the cause of infection. Macrolides, another type of antibiotic, are commonly used because like a regular antibiotic they kill bacteria but they also help reduce inflammation.
In addition to antibiotics for infection, mucus thinning medications and devices are also often used in the treatment of Bronchiectasis. These medications and devices help patients clear out mucus by dissolving it, or making it easier to expel.
If you or someone you know suffers from frequent lung infections or from a condition that is at risk for causing Bronchiectasis it is important to visit a pulmonologist. At Advocare Pulmonary and Sleep Specialists, we are trained to diagnose and treat Bronchiectasis along with many other pulmonary and sleep conditions. Contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment today, Exton Office (610) 359-5858 or Lansdale Office (215) 832-0111.
Spring can be a tough time of year for those with allergies. The flowers and trees are in full bloom, pollen is everywhere and you may find yourself suffering with irritated eyes, a scratchy throat and a stuffy nose.
Allergens are typically harmless substances that cause the immune system in some individuals to release chemicals called histamines. These histamines cause inflammation which results in symptoms like congestion, sneezing and watery eyes.
Whether your allergies are caused by seasonal allergens like pollen, or not so seasonal allergens like dust mites or pet dander, allergies do impact your sleep. Dealing with a runny nose, coughing and sneezing can make it more difficult to fall asleep. Restlessness and difficulty breathing can interrupt your sleep many times throughout the night. Without enough hours of rest, you may find yourself suffering with a headache, find it difficult to concentrate and even experience feelings of anxiety and depression.
While there is no way to completely avoid pollen and other allergens there are steps you can take to limit your exposure to them while indoors, especially in your bedroom.
While allergies can be challenging to deal with, they do not need to prevent you from getting the quality of sleep you deserve. If you find yourself struggling with allergies and sleep, Dr. Mushlin and Advocare Pulmonary and Sleep Specialists can help. Contact our Exton office (610) 359-5858 or Lansdale office (215) 832-0111 to schedule your appointment today and start breathing easier and sleeping better!
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is an umbrella term that describes a broad category of long-term, progressive diseases that cause some form of restriction of airflow. COPD includes diseases such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis, some forms of bronchiectasis and other diseases.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, primary COPD is the third leading cause of death in the United States. An estimated 15.7 million Americans have been diagnosed with COPD. Smoking, exposure to certain toxins and air quality can all contribute to breathing problems associated with COPD.
Symptoms of COPD
Symptoms of COPD include:
Anyone with the following should get tested for COPD:
COPD is more common in patients over the age of 65, however symptoms can develop at any age. Those who smoke or have a history of smoking are at a much higher risk of developing COPD. Those with a history of asthma or who worked in environments with long-term airborne toxins are also at a higher risk for developing COPD. It is also believed that certain genetic factors play a role in making some individuals more likely to develop COPD so it is always beneficial to be mindful of family history.
Diagnosing COPD
A spirometry test is a simple non-invasive test that can be used to diagnose COPD. Your doctor will ask you to blow all the air out of your lungs into a mouthpiece, which is connected to a machine called a spirometer.
The spirometer measures the amount of air you blow out within the first second and the also the amount you blow out in six seconds or more. These measurements are then used by your doctor to determine the severity of your COPD and are used to develop the best treatment plan for you.
Treatment of COPD
There are a variety of treatment options that help patients manage their COPD. Since not all people with COPD share the same symptoms treatment often varies from patient to patient. Common treatments include:
In most cases COPD can be managed with medications, a healthy lifestyle and by exercising self care habits. If you or a loved one is suffering with COPD or a related condition, Advocare Pulmonary and Sleep Specialists can help. To learn more about COPD and treatment options reach out to our Exton office (610) 359-5858 or Lansdale office (215) 832-0111 to schedule your appointment today.
What is Insomnia?
Insomnia can include trouble getting to sleep (onset) and trouble staying asleep (maintenance) even when a person has the opportunity to do so. Insomnia can be caused by psychiatric and medical conditions, unhealthy sleep habits and biological factors.
Types of Insomnia
Acute Insomnia: Acute insomnia is a type of insomnia that does not last very long, typically a week or less. It is normally caused by an interruption to your normal sleep schedule or an outside stressor like:
Chronic Insomnia: Chronic insomnia is a long-term problem and affects a person for most of their life. It may last for months at a time and then go away, or can affect a person off and on for years. It is normally caused by:
Symptoms of Insomnia
Those who suffer with insomnia often feel dissatisfied with their sleep and normally experience one of more of the following:
Diagnosing Insomnia
There isn’t a definitive test for insomnia so doctors may use a variety of different tests and tools to diagnose and measure insomnia symptoms including:
Treatment for Insomnia
Treatment for chronic insomnia includes treating any underlying conditions or health problems that are causing the insomnia. If your insomnia continues, your doctor may suggest behavior therapy. This approach helps you to change behaviors that can worsen insomnia and teaches you new behaviors to encourage sleep. Techniques like relaxation exercises, sleep restriction therapy, and reconditioning may be helpful.
Sleep hygiene can help you overcome insomnia by getting a good night’s sleep. If you are struggling with insomnia, whether acute or chronic try:
If you think you may be suffering from insomnia, or another sleep disorder Dr. Mushlin and Advocare Pulmonary and Sleep Specialists can help you get back to sleep! Contact our Exton office (610) 359-5858 or Lansdale office (215) 832-0111 to schedule your appointment today!
Caring For Your CPAP Machine
If your doctor has recently prescribed a CPAP machine for you or a loved one, it is important that you keep it clean and running. Your machine is there to protect your well-being, because untreated sleep apnea poses a very real threat to your health. Besides feeling run down and tired all of the time, people with prolonged sleep apnea tend to have a much higher risk for heart attacks and stroke. A well-maintained CPAP machine can dramatically improve your quality of life, helping you get the rest your body needs.
We know, life can get busy and it can be difficult to find the time to do it all. While it’s easy to continue to put off cleaning your CPAP equipment, we’re here to tell you to STOP PUTTING IT OFF!
Continuing to use your CPAP equipment without taking the time to clean it can lead to sinus and lung infections. CPAP machines tend to be dark, moist and warm, an ideal combo for many kinds of mold, bacteria and viruses. If possible, you should clean your tubing, mask and humidifier tub daily.
A vital part of keeping your equipment clean is to make sure you have the necessary supplies and tools. Keep supplies like mask wipes and sprays in a convenient place so that you can give your facemask a quick clean before using it each night. A tube brush is also helpful because it allows you to scrub out the tubing from both ends.
When to Clean Your CPAP Equipment
How to Clean Your CPAP Machine
If you have questions about caring for your CPAP machine, or would like to schedule a sleep study, contact Advocare Pulmonary and Sleep Specialists at our Exton office (610) 359-5858 or Lansdale (215) 832-0111.
Are You Getting Enoug Sleep?
Sleep is something that many times we take for granted! Even though we know getting enough sleep is important to our health and well being.
Everyone needs sleep, but the amount of sleep an individual needs varies from person to person and also varies over time. Babies and young children require more sleep than adults. The hectic schedules and fluctuating hormones of teenagers also require them to have more sleep than adults in order to function and continue to grow. According to the National Sleep Foundation, teens require between 8 to 10 hours a night, whereas most adults can get by with between 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night.
When you aren’t getting enough sleep but still need to power through the day your risk of hypertension, weight gain and chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease increases. Lack of sleep can weaken your immune system leaving you more susceptible to colds and other sickness. Tiredness also impacts a person’s ability to function both mentally and physically. Reaction times can slow leaving you more prone to accident or injury. You may find it harder to regulate your mood and handle everyday stresses.
There are many causes for sleep deprivation. Common causes include:
Even though you know getting enough sleep is important making sure you get enough sleep isn’t always easy. Falling into poor routines hurts your ability to get the amount and quality of sleep you need.
If you are experiencing the symptoms of sleep deprivation Advocare Pulmonary and Sleep can help you get your sleep back on track so you can begin getting the rest you need. We offer patients home sleep studies to help pinpoint the cause and to effectively treat patients sleep disorders. To learn more about sleep disorders and treatment contact our Exton office (610) 359-5858 or Lansdale office (215) 832-0111 to schedule your appointment today!
What is Sarcoidosis? | Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment
Sarcoidosis is a rare, inflammatory disease that can affect many areas of the body, particularly the lungs and lymph nodes. As the disease progresses, smaller granulomas can join together to create larger nodules that can interfere with the way affected organs function.
While the causes of sarcoidosis are unknown, researchers do have a few theories. Some feel that it may be triggered by exposure to environmental factors like mold, dust or certain bacteria and viruses. Other researchers feel that genetics may play a role in sarcoidosis, and that a certain gene or genes combined with a family history of the disease increase a person’s risk.
Symptoms of Sarcoidosis
Since the disease can affect different organs, symptoms are associated with the organs that have granulomas so symptoms differ. The lungs are the most common place for sarcoidosis to present itself. Symptoms of granulomas in the lungs include cough, wheezing, chest pain and shortness of breath.
Diagnosing Sarcoidosis
Diagnosing Sarcoidosis can be tricky because the symptoms are similar to those of other more commonly occurring diseases. Since symptoms vary and are not always present, sarcoidosis is often discovered when patients are undergoing tests for other reasons.
When sarcoidosis is suspected in the lungs, your doctor may order one or more of the following imaging tests to aid with making a diagnosis:
Treating Sarcoidosis
There is no cure for sarcoidosis, but the disease often times gets better on its own over time. Most have mild symptoms and do not require treatment. Treatment is needed only to reduce symptoms and to keep affected organs in proper working order.
Those affected by sarcoidosis are encouraged to:
Drug treatments are used to help manage and relieve symptoms and inflammation. Steroids are often prescribed to treat fatigue and persistent cough.
If you have additional questions about sarcoidosis, are suffering with a persistent cough or other concerning symptoms, or have another respiratory concern the team at Advocare Pulmonary & Sleep are here to help you. Please contact our Exton Office (610) 359-5858 or Lansdale Office (215) 832-0111 to request an appointment with Dr. Mushlin today.
A pulmonary function test is a test that identifies your lung function and measures the ability of your lungs to deliver oxygen to other organs. They measure a patient’s lung volume and capacity, flow rates and gas exchange.
Your pulmonologist may use any of the different pulmonary function tests to aid in giving you a precise diagnosis of your condition and to choose the best treatment plan for you. Pulmonary function tests are used to diagnose and treat pulmonary diseases like asthma, allergy, lung fibrosis, lung cancer and chronic bronchitis.
Pulmonary Function tests can also be used to track the performance of treatment and determine whether your body is responding to treatment.
These tests are non-invasive and rarely cause any complications. On rare occasions pulmonary function tests can cause dizziness, coughing, asthma attacks or shortness of breath. Before your test, make sure you disclose all of your medical information to your doctor, including all medications you take and conditions you have. Your doctor may ask you to stop using certain medications that may skew test results. You should also avoid caffeine and nicotine which can also affect your test results.
Based on your condition and symptoms your doctor may order one or more of the following tests:
With the large number of pulmonary function tests available, it’s best to rely on a pulmonologist to determine which you may actually need. If you find yourself suffering from pulmonary symptoms, Advocare Pulmonary and Sleep is here to help! Schedule an appointment with Dr. Mushlin at our Exton or Lansdale office location today.
Many professions like nurses, firefighters, police officers and factory workers are required to work outside of the normal 9am-5pm workday. While shift work does create potential productivity advantages, it also comes along with risks.
People who work the night shift and sleep during the day are are at risk for many health issues, like and increased risk for diabetes or heart disease. Sleep deprivation can lead to disorders such as shift work disorder or circadian rhythm sleep disorder.
Circadian rhythm helps our body set its internal clock by adapting to a normal sleep schedule. It is responsible for regulating the release of melatonin, a hormone that helps make us sleepy and keeps us asleep through out the night. The circadian rhythm is influenced by many things, including light and temperature, but needs to be “set” in our internal system. (This is why babies don’t usually sleep through the night until they are a few months old. They need to adapt to a pattern of sleep.)
Adjusting To Working Night Shift
Shift workers must find ways to cope and in small ways they can retrain their circadian rhythm to allow them to sleep during the day. Many studies have shown if you are committed to making sleep a priority you can impact the amount and quality of sleep you are able to get doors the day. Here are a few tips to help your body adjust to working night shift:
Sleep is an important part of your overall health and wellbeing and getting a good night’s sleep will allow you to concentrate and focus on your job. If you find yourself struggling with sleep, Advocare Pulmonary and Sleep Specialists can help. Dr. Mushlin is trained to evaluate and treat sleep disorders that result from shift work. Contact our Exton office (610) 359-5858 or Lansdale office (215) 832-0111 to schedule your appointment today.
Image courtesy of dnfcnlsrn0 at pixabay.com
Many people underestimate the importance of getting a healthy night’s sleep. Getting enough sleep not only allows you to feel well rested, but also helps your body stay healthy because it can focus on repairing and regulating itself while you’re asleep.
Lack Of Energy = Less Desire To Exercise
Without proper treatment a Sleep Apnea patient’s sleep is constantly interrupted making it impossible for them to get enough of the quality sleep required by the body. This lack of sleep leaves you low on energy and feeling tired. The last thing you want to do when you feel exhausted is exercise. Lack of exercise can lead to weight gain.
Disruption of Hormone Levels = Poor Food Choices
Not getting a good night sleep due to untreated Sleep Apnea can cause more damage than just a lack of motivation to exercise. Your body performs many functions while you sleep which help you maintain a healthy immune system and balance your appetite. While you sleep ghrelin and leptin, the hormones that play a role in controlling appetite are regulated. Without necessary rest, these levels can be disrupted. Levels of leptin, your body’s natural appetite suppressor decline and while levels of ghrelin, which stimulates appetite becomes elevated. Elevated ghrelin levels cause you to crave more carbohydrates and sugary foods which can lead to weight gain. The National Sleep Foundation suggests that those who do not get enough sleep consume up to 300 extra calories a day and twice as much fat as someone who manages to get the recommended uninterrupted 8 hours.
Creating A Vicious Cycle
Not only can lack of sleep cause you to overeat, but overeating can cause you to experience a variety of sleep problems creating a vicious cycle that is hard to escape from. Snacking on sugary foods an carbohydrates, most of which are highly processed and high in refined sugars, can upset your nervous system making it hard to relax (especially if you’re snacking close to bedtime). To combat the sleepiness you’re feeling you may have an extra cup or two of coffee which not only impacts your blood sugar levels but also stimulates your nervous system making it difficult to relax and fall asleep.
If you think you might be suffering with Sleep Apnea or another sleep disorder, we’re here to help! Contact our Exton office (610) 359-5858 or Lansdale office (215) 832-0111 to schedule an appointment today.
Image courtesy of ben white at unsplash.com
When temperatures drop, the air becomes drier. For people with asthma, COPD and bronchitis dry air often leads to irritation, coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. Cold weather and respiratory disorders are linked in a few ways.
Your airways are lined with a thin layer of fluid. When the air is dry, that fluid evaporates faster than normal, sometimes faster than it can be replaced. This causes your throat to become dry and lead to irritation and swelling which can worsen symptoms.
Cold weather also increases your body’s production of mucus and causes it to become thicker and stickier than in warmer weather. This thicker mucus can cause airway blockages and can increase your chances of catching a cold or other infection.
Dealing With The Cold
There are things you can do to help deal with the cold and the drier winter air. Follow these tips to help avoid the onset of symptoms.
Are you suffering with a respiratory disorder like COPD, bronchitis, asthma or pulmonary hypertension? Advocare Pulmonary and Sleep is here to help diagnose and treat your condition. Contact our Exton or Lansdale office to schedule and appointment with Dr. Mushlin today.
Image courtesy of spencer backman at pixabay.com
What is Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency?
Genetics-Resized.jpgAlpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency is an inherited condition (passed from parents to children through genes) which effects the level of the protein Alpha-1 antitrypsin in the bloodstream.
Alpha-1 antitrypsin, also called AAT is a protein that is made in the liver. Normally this protein travels through the bloodstream to other areas of the body where it helps protect the organs, like the lungs, from the harmful effects of other proteins.
AAT deficiency occurs when the AAT proteins being made in the liver are abnormal and cannot be released from the liver at the normal rate. As a result not as many proteins are able to make it to the bloodstream, causing lower numbers to make it to the lungs. Without enough AAT protein, the lungs can be damaged making breathing more difficult.
The lower level of alpha-1 antitrypsin in the bloodstream increases a patients risk of lung disease, and can also increase the risk of liver disease if too many proteins are trapped in the liver.
Signs & Symptoms
Many people who have the condition may not know they have it and do not suffer with serious complications. Symptoms of AAT deficiency typically appear between the ages of 20 and 40 and include:
AAT deficiency can not be prevented because the condition is inherited. Even if a patient inherits the genes they may never develop the symptoms or diseases related to this condition.
Patients are able to take steps to prevent or delay lung diseases related to AAT deficiency. The most important step is to quit smoking. Smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke increases the risk of lung related symptoms and lung damage in those with Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. Patient suffering with a severe AAT deficiency can shorten their life expectancy by as much as 20 years if they continue to smoke.
Exposure to second hand smoke, dust, fumes and toxic substances that may be inhaled also increases the risk of lung disease in patients suffering with AAT deficiency.
AAT deficiency is often diagnosed after a patient develops a lung or liver disease related to the condition. A doctor may suspect AAT deficiency if a patient has signs or symptoms of a serious lung condition without any obvious cause.
AAT deficiency can not be diagnosed by symptoms or a medical examination alone; patients need to get a simple, reliable blood test to know for sure. Typically, three types of tests are done on the blood sample:
Ongoing medical care is vital when suffering with AAT deficiency. By working closely with a healthcare team patients will learn how to manage their condition and function at their best.
While there is no cure for AAT deficiency, treatment is available for the symptoms associated with the condition, including:
Image courtesy of geralt at pixabay.com
What Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a sleep disorder that causes breathing to be interrupted throughout a person's sleep cycle. These interruptions are caused by the collapse of soft tissue in the airway which narrows the airway, or closes it off completely preventing the flow of oxygen.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea commonly effects those who are overweight, have large tongues or tonsils, have small jaw bones, have a nasal obstruction/congestion due to a deviated septum, allergies or a sinus problem, or who have a family history of Sleep Apnea. Weight, Smoking and excessive alcohol use can also play a role in Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea affects your energy level, mental performance and cause poor performance in everyday activities. If left untreated it can impact your longterm health and can even be fatal.
Symptoms and Complications of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea include:
Obstructive Sleep Apnea is often associated with conditions like:
Diagnosing Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea can be easily diagnosed through testing:
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment
The most important step in treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea is assessment to determining the most appropriate treatment. Treatment options include:
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